Ruger Gp100 7 Shot Problems

Ruger Gp100 7 Shot Problems - Hopefully ruger fixed the problem or ammo manufacturers have adjusted their tolerances to. I bought a 2025 7 shot gp100 that binded very bad with multiple brands of ammo. Ruger took the gun back, said it was not repairable and asked what i wanted to replace it. Excellent customer service as always and i have high hopes it. My brother recently got a 4 blued 7 shot ruger gp100 in. 357 magnum. Ruger claims to have fixed the problem, but won't say. My gp100, 7 shot, won't work with armscor 158 grain, 38 special ammo. When loading the seventh round the case rims touch each other. The last round is proud and the. I had a 7 shot gp100, 4. 2. It shot 38's fine but stuck 357 magnum so bad i had to beat the brass out with a mallet. I swore them off and i'll never buy another. I haven't heard complaints about the 7 shot version lately so don't know if ruger adjusted the mfg process or the bad ones have been replaced with 6 shot version. Many complaints about some ammo not fitting properly in 7 rounders. I have blued 5 gp100, full lug. 357, 6 round. I think there were significant teething issues with. Reading about a lot of problems with the 7 shot gp 100. 357 magnum revolver. The chambers are too close together and with certain brands of ammo the rims of the. I was doing my research and i found some previous threads on this forum pointing out that there was a problem with the seven shot cylinders seizing up with some or all ammo.

Hopefully ruger fixed the problem or ammo manufacturers have adjusted their tolerances to. I bought a 2025 7 shot gp100 that binded very bad with multiple brands of ammo. Ruger took the gun back, said it was not repairable and asked what i wanted to replace it. Excellent customer service as always and i have high hopes it. My brother recently got a 4 blued 7 shot ruger gp100 in. 357 magnum.

Ruger Gp100 7 Shot Problems