Psa Jakalsupport And Help - Looking into building a lower for the jakl but not a fan of the sb brace that comes in. So my jakl seems to have a feed failure 9 times out of 10, and when it does it locks up hard in partial battery. The only way to get the chamber open again is to take a gunsmith mallet to the. It’s an interesting design that’s different from the traditional ar. I’m a big fan of my psa products. I have a chf upper and a build kit upper that have been great performers. Unfortunately i need to see a solution before a purchase on the jakl now. ***update*** concerns were immediately addressed in thread by jamin. It's modular and most of the internals are ar parts so you can customize it to your needs. The angled stock and taller upper height make the top of the rifle sit higher so you don't. Is the psa jakl basically a b tier ar18? When did they release i didn't hear anything about them? As you are well aware we are working on a couple of projects for the canadian market, one is with psa and the original founder of nodak spud. This is the proprietary nodak spud 180sc. Jakl picatinny rails out of spec? Discuss all things related to the psa jakl in this space. Whether you need advice or have some to give, this is the place for you. I want that b5 sopmod (short one) for the 10 in psa jakl (w/o stock). what do i need to make it happen? Looking into building a lower for the jakl but not a fan of the sb brace that comes in. So my jakl seems to have a feed failure 9 times out of 10, and when it does it locks up hard in partial battery. The only way to get the chamber open again is to take a gunsmith mallet to the. It’s an interesting design that’s different from the traditional ar. I’m a big fan of my psa products.
Looking into building a lower for the jakl but not a fan of the sb brace that comes in. So my jakl seems to have a feed failure 9 times out of 10, and when it does it locks up hard in partial battery. The only way to get the chamber open again is to take a gunsmith mallet to the. It’s an interesting design that’s different from the traditional ar. I’m a big fan of my psa products. I have a chf upper and a build kit upper that have been great performers. Unfortunately i need to see a solution before a purchase on the jakl now. ***update*** concerns were immediately addressed in thread by jamin.