Dollar General Legion Work - What are the grievience pay for ? How to log back into legion? My new boss accidentally got signed out of legion and can't get back in. I know i logged in via invite code so i'm not sure how to get back in either. Legion enterprise offers advanced workforce management solutions for businesses to optimize labor efficiency. For those who work at dollar general, legion workforce engagement is the app of choice for scheduling. One employee in their 60s says, this app is wonderful. I know when i am. The dgme app is a mobile application for dollar general employee portal available for both android and ios devices. There's no such thing as a 5. 5 day work schedule. Take 7 boxes, one for each day of the week and put an x through each one for the days you work and you will see that it's a 6 day work. One employee in their 60s says, this app is wonderful. I know when i am. The dgme app is a mobile application for dollar general employee portal available for both android and ios devices. There's no such thing as a 5. 5 day work schedule. Take 7 boxes, one for each day of the week and put an x through each one for the days you work and you will see that it's a 6 day work.
What are the grievience pay for ? How to log back into legion? My new boss accidentally got signed out of legion and can't get back in. I know i logged in via invite code so i'm not sure how to get back in either. Legion enterprise offers advanced workforce management solutions for businesses to optimize labor efficiency. For those who work at dollar general, legion workforce engagement is the app of choice for scheduling. One employee in their 60s says, this app is wonderful. I know when i am. The dgme app is a mobile application for dollar general employee portal available for both android and ios devices. There's no such thing as a 5. 5 day work schedule. Take 7 boxes, one for each day of the week and put an x through each one for the days you work and you will see that it's a 6 day work.